Digital Elevation Model is a description of the relief in the form of a model, where the height of the relief is given for each node of the square grid. The model represents a Digital Relief Model of Slovenia and Digital Elevation Model with grid size 5 x 5 m (DMV 5). Digital Relief Model of Slovenia was established using various geodetic data, using the method of weighted aggregation from resources with some geomorphological corrections. It was made in 2001-2005 and is available as a model in a square grid with a cell size 12.5 m, 25 m and 100 m (DMV 12.5, DMV 25 and DMV 100). DMV 5 was created in 2006 and was regularly maintained until 2014 using cyclic aerial survey of Slovenia (CAS). Some additional data sources were used to produce the model as well. The data of both models are available as ASCII files (y, x, H), for example: 401000.0 112000.0 251.71 401025.0 112000.0 241.03 401050.0 112000.0 230.51 401075.0 112000.0 219.88 401100.0 112000.0 208.31 401125.0 112000.0 195.45
Geografska koordinatna mreža je sistem hierarhičnih celic velikosti 100 m, 200 m, 500 m, 1 000 m, 2 500 m, 5 000 m in 10 000 m, namenjenih predvsem za diseminacijo statističnih podatkov. Celice so definirane tako v D48/GK kot tudi v D96/TM koordinatnem sistemu. Za določitev lokacije posameznih celic je določeno tudi izhodišče, ki lahko ob pravilni izbiri poenostavi poimenovanja posameznih celic. Nomenklatura celic je skladna preko celotnega sistema hierarhičnih celic. Zbirka geografska koordinatna mreža vsebuje 7 mrež z različnimi velikostmi celic. Celice so kvadratne oblike in imajo naslednje velikosti stranic: 100 m, 200 m, 500 m, 1 000 m, 2 500 m, 5 000 m in 10 000 m.