The harmonized geological map of Slovenia at a scale of 1:1,000,000 is a simplified version of the 1:250,000 scale Geological Map of Slovenia (Buser, 2009). The latter was compiled from the Basic Geological Map of Slovenia at a scale of 1: 100,000 (contributed by various authors between 1960's and 1980's and updated with new information gathered by S. Buser). The map is basically lithostratigraphic. The two layers incorporated in the map are lithostratigraphic units and major faults. The faults depicted on the map were selected using two criteria; regional extent and tectonic importance. The map presented here was edited specifically for the purpose of the OneGeology-Europe project by M. Bavec, M. Novak, M. Poljak, M. Trajanova and D. Skaberne.
The Basic Geological Map of Slovenia as a part of joint Basic Geological Map of SFR Yugoslavia presents lithological and stratigraphic characteristics of rocks, their relationships, age and other. It is a key to the understanding of the geology of Slovenia. It consists of 23 sheets at a scale of 1: 100,000.
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WFS storitev za INSPIRE naslove / Address, AddressAreaName, ThoroughfareName
WFS storitev za INSPIRE administrativne enote / AdministrativeUnit
WFS storitev za INSPIRE katastrske parcele / CadastralParcel
WFS storitev za INSPIRE železnice / RailwayLink
WFS storitev za INSPIRE zemljepisna imena / GeographicalName
WFS storitev za INSPIRE toplotno omrežje / ThermalPipe