The harmonized geological map of Slovenia at a scale of 1:1,000,000 is a simplified version of the 1:250,000 scale Geological Map of Slovenia (Buser, 2009). The latter was compiled from the Basic Geological Map of Slovenia at a scale of 1: 100,000 (contributed by various authors between 1960's and 1980's and updated with new information gathered by S. Buser). The map is basically lithostratigraphic. The two layers incorporated in the map are lithostratigraphic units and major faults. The faults depicted on the map were selected using two criteria; regional extent and tectonic importance. The map presented here was edited specifically for the purpose of the OneGeology-Europe project by M. Bavec, M. Novak, M. Poljak, M. Trajanova and D. Skaberne.
The Basic Geological Map of Slovenia as a part of joint Basic Geological Map of SFR Yugoslavia presents lithological and stratigraphic characteristics of rocks, their relationships, age and other. It is a key to the understanding of the geology of Slovenia. It consists of 23 sheets at a scale of 1: 100,000.
Layer Geomorphologic Features shows the location of various types of geomorphological phenomena. Only point data are included.
Basic geological map of Yugoslavia presents lithological and stratigraphic characteristics of rocks, their relationships, age and other. It is a key to the understanding of the geology of Slovenia. It consists of 23 sheets, scale 1: 100.000.
Vodonosni sistem je ozemlje z geološko zgradbo, v kateri nastopata vsaj dva različna vodonosnika, z ali brez medsebojne hidravlične povezave. Na obravnavanem območju so bile meje vodonosnih sistemov prilagojene na merilo karte 1:25.000. Namenjena so zanesljivemu ugotavljanju stanja celotne pomembne prostornine podzemnih voda v državi in doseganja okoljskih ciljev, ki jih predpisuje Vodna direktiva.
Relief karbonatne podlage pod aluvijalnim prodnim zasipom Iškega vršaja z obrobjem je narejena na popravljenem modelu po Menceju (1990), ki je bila narejena v okviru Projekta INCOME (Janža e tal., 2012). Za potrebe hidrogeološke karta Iškega vršaja je bila podlaga popravljena s dodatnimi seizmičnimi podatki in podatki iz vrtin projekta INCOME. Podlaga je pripravljena v grid obliki 5x5.
Layer Boreholes shows the localities where structural boreholes were drilled.
Layer shows the zones where the rock is systematically fractured.
Karte prostorske porazdelitve vrednosti spremenljivk vezanih na temperaturo zraka so narejene na osnovi meritev klimatoloških meteoroloških postaj, ki so v obravnavanem obdobju neprekinjeno delovale vsaj deset let. Za računanje vrednosti spremenljivk vezanih na temperaturo zraka v pravilni mreži z ločljivostjo 100 m x 100 m je bila uporabljena metoda optimalne prostorske interpolacije, ki upošteva povezanost obravnavane spremenljivke z nadmorsko višino in preko izbrane okolice upošteva tudi vpliv mikrolokacije. Zaradi majhne gostote mreže opazovanj, je vpliv mikrolokacije možno upoštevati le v manjši meri.
The underground geothermal conditions can be presented, irrespective of the aquifers' position, with the appropriate geothermal maps. These maps represent the expected isoterms at a depths and are derived from Geothermal maps - Expected temperatures , which are made with data from 302 boreholes. It is made on the basis of measured temperatures in accessible boreholes throughout the country. However, since the temperature field depends on the geological structure in the depths and tectonic characteristics, the course of the isotherms is a result of many influences, such as thermal conductivity of rocks, permeability and fracturing of rocks, all of which are reflected in the measured temperatures in boreholes. The distribution of boreholes, which were useful for the measurement of temperature, is very uneven and different as regard the depths.