The realestate cadastre is designed as an official record of data on plots, buildings and parts of buildings, which enables the registration of real rights on them (or their parts) in the land register. The realestate cadastre is the fundamental record of the Republic of Slovenia's data on the location, shape, physical and other characteristics of plots, buildings and parts of buildings, which shows the actual state of real estate. The realestate cadastre consists of registered data on plots of land, buildings and parts of buildings, as well as a collection of documents. The entered data on plots, buildings and parts of buildings, as well as the collection of documents, are kept permanently. The realestate cadastre contains data on the areas of building rights and data on the areas of enforcement of servitudes or illegal servitudes. In the realestate cadastre, as data layers, there are also data on cadastral municipalities, actual land use, areas of land creditworthiness in the layer of land creditworthiness areas and a layer of temporary entries (areas of building rights and data on the area of enforcement of easement in rem or illegal easement in rem before decided by the land register).
Mineral deposits and resources
The underground geothermal conditions can be presented, irrespective of the aquifers' position, with the appropriate geothermal maps. These maps represent the expected isoterms at a depths and are derived from Geothermal maps - Expected temperatures , which are made with data from 302 boreholes. It is made on the basis of measured temperatures in accessible boreholes throughout the country. However, since the temperature field depends on the geological structure in the depths and tectonic characteristics, the course of the isotherms is a result of many influences, such as thermal conductivity of rocks, permeability and fracturing of rocks, all of which are reflected in the measured temperatures in boreholes. The distribution of boreholes, which were useful for the measurement of temperature, is very uneven and different as regard the depths.
Basic geological map of Yugoslavia presents lithological and stratigraphic characteristics of rocks, their relationships, age and other. It is a key to the understanding of the geology of Slovenia. It consists of 23 sheets, scale 1: 100.000.
Product by the Pangeo project: PanGeo provides information about the stability of the ground on which we live, work and play. Ground instability, or "geohazards", affect us all. They can be dangerous and costly, yet information on these phenomena can be difficult if not impossible to obtain. The PanGeo service provides entirely free access to geohazard information for many of the largest cities in Europe .
The underground geothermal conditions can be presented, irrespective of the aquifers' position, with the appropriate geothermal maps. This map represents the expected temperatures at a depth of 3000 m and is made with data from 214 boreholes. It is made on the basis of measured temperatures in accessible boreholes throughout the country. However, since the temperature field depends on the geological structure in the depths and tectonic characteristics, the course of the isotherms is a result of many influences, such as thermal conductivity of rocks, permeability and fracturing of rocks, all of which are reflected in the measured temperatures in boreholes. In this depth also a radiogenic heat production in the rocks has smaller influence. The distribution of boreholes, which were useful for the measurement of temperature, is very uneven and different as regard the depths. Following the expected temperatures at a depth of 3000 m a stronger positive anomaly is in the northeastern part of Slovenia, from the line Maribor-Rogatec to the east, while in the eastern part of the Krka basin there is no anomaly any more. In the northeastern part of the country the anomaly is the result of the thinning of the Earth's crust and greater conductive heat flow from the Earth's mantle. Elsewhere temperatures are much lower.
Product by the Pangeo project: PanGeo provides information about the stability of the ground on which we live, work and play. Ground instability, or "geohazards", affect us all. They can be dangerous and costly, yet information on these phenomena can be difficult if not impossible to obtain. The PanGeo service provides entirely free access to geohazard information for many of the largest cities in Europe . The PanGeo service is aimed at local authorities, civil protection agencies, geological surveys, the public, insurers and businesses providing environmental and land reporting services. The service and products available are entirely free to use, even for commercial gain, providing appropriate credits are given (see licence terms). Information in PanGeo is derived from detailed analysis of local geological data combined with satellite measurements of ground movement.