The National General Map at 1 : 750 000 Scale shows the entire territory of Slovenia on one sheet of A3 format. Layers: mathematical elements, settlements and objects, communications, relief, hydrography, land cover, boundaries and dividing line, geographical names. The data set is used for "rough" orientation in the space and for the needs of large scale and thematic displaying.
Državna pregledna karta merila 1 : 2 500 000 prikazuje območje celotne Slovenije in nekoliko večje območje sosednjih držav kot ostale pregledne karte. Vsebinski sloji: naselja in objekti, komunikacije, hidrografija, meje in ločnice ter zemljepisna imena. Podatkovni niz se uporablja za "grobo" orientacijo v prostoru ter za potrebe preglednih in tematskih prikazov.
The National General Map at 1 : 1 000 000 Scale shows the entire territory of Slovenia on one sheet of A4 format. Layers: mathematical elements, settlements and objects, communications, relief, hydrography, land cover, boundaries and dividing line, geographical names. The dataset is used for "rough" geo-orientation and for the needs of large scale and thematic displaying.
The National General Map at 1: 250 000 Scale shows the entire territory of Slovenia on one sheet of A0 format. Layers: mathematical elements, settlements and objects, communications, relief, hydrography, land cover, boundaries and dividing line, geographical names. The map is also available in printed form. The data set is used for "rough" orientation in the space and for the needs of large scale and thematic displaying.
Product of aerial survey (from airplane, helicopter) are aerial images as well as external orientation elements, that are used as final product or as an input parameter for further image processing. In the cyclical aerial survey of Slovenia professional (recently digital, large format) aerial cameras are used. These cameras use simultaneous surveying of aerial photos in several channels (panchromatic, red, green, blue, near infrared). Usuall ground sampling distance (GSD) is 0.25 m.
The territory of Republic of Slovenia covers 58 sheets of the National Topographic Map at 1 : 50 000 scale. Raster images with DTK 50 sheets are provided. Besides the joined color layer also eight geolocated raster layers are provided: - settlements, communications, names - border of roads and rocks - roads in relation to road surface, traffic surfaces - relief - contour lines - water - vegetation - UTM network - relief shadows. From year 2017 the map is available also as seamless cartographic raster layer. Georeferenced raster image is written in TIFF + TFW files in resolution 4 m (317.5 dpi) and cut into 99 rectangle tiles in 9 rows and 11 columns. DTK 50 is intended for spatial planning, for orientation on the field, as base for other themes, as a source for making other maps. Raster and vector data are available as free data.
The National General Map at 1 : 500 000 Scale shows the entire territory of Slovenia on one sheet of A2 format. Layers: mathematical elements, settlements and objects, communications, relief, hydrography, land cover, boundaries and dividing line, geographical names. The map is used for "rough" orientation in the space and for the needs of large scale and thematic displaying.
Ortofoto je aerofotografija, ki je z upoštevanjem podatkov o reliefu in absolutne orientacije aerofotografij pretvorjena iz centralne v ortogonalno projekcijo. Pri tem so odstranjeni vplivi optike aerofotoaparata, njegovega nagiba in vpliv razgibanosti terena. Mersko so primerljivi z linijskimi kartami, razdelitev na liste je enaka kot pri TTN5. Vsi ortofoti so na voljo v formatu TIFF. Izdelujejo se različni ortofoti glede na ločljivost in barvni spekter: - DOF025 - barvni (RGB) ortofoto z dolžino talnega intervala (DTI) 0,25 m - DOF050 - barvni (RGB) ortofoto z dolžino talnega intervala (DTI) 0,50 m - DOF050IR - barvni bližnje infrardeči (IR, R in G) ortofoto z dolžino talnega intervala (DTI) 0,50 m
In the Remote Sensing Database the remote sensing data, ortophoto and remote sensing technical data are being managed.
National Maps are cartographically processed topographic data, which are managed in the national spatial coordinate reference system and are presented in the national cartographic projection. National Maps are managed in digital format. National maps for the territory of the Republic of Slovenia are: - National Topographic Map at a scale 1 : 50 000, - National General Maps at a scales 1 : 250 000, 1 : 500 000, 1 : 750 000 and 1 : 1 000 000, - maps produced on the basis of an agreement or contract with the public authorities of other countries or international civil institutions and organizations and are showing the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.